So What’s This Whole Internet Marketing Thing All About Anyway?

So I was grabbing a quick bite to eat today for lunch with a close friend.

He’s in a completely different line of business as me and he’s not real "Internet Savvy” if you can believe that in 2020 - almost 2021…. Wow

We were talking about side hustles and how you can create a cool little side-income as an affiliate doing online Affiliate Marketing.

🤔 Anyway he was asking me…

“ So what is this whole Internet Marketing mumbo jumbo about anyway - and can you really make money selling other people’s products online?

It seems like every website I go to these days I’m bombarded by another online ad about something I was just looking at.I think the Online Ad Spies are after me…. 

So I explained that there is a little bit of truth to that statement - the Ad Spies ARE After You….. but maybe not how you think….

You’ve been “Retargeted” ; … Sounds like an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie huh?

You can read the full post here:


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